Baggira is a new-wave brand founded by designer Renata Latypova in 2019.
Inspired by nature, technological progress, epic and art, Renata has created a laboratory in which she produces innovative works, that combine ancient and futurism, myth and realism, eco and technologies. Due to its growing popularity all over the world, the brand strives to create ever more amazing and unforgettable collections and open up a new vision for people how to wear jewelry.
The concept of the brand is that a modern human can freely express himself and wear any household objects which continuing to explore the world and find new combinations which can surprise. Experiment is our main engine. But at the same time we also do not forget about core values and history, we are inspired by past, present, future. Mini sculptures collection was created being impressed by museum exhibits and elegant antiquity. The pieces point out that every person is unique like an art. The main idea of the brand is to show how a man can coexist with modern technologies, saving uniqueness of natural gifts and beauty at the same time and not harming any living creature on the planet. If it becomes possible to connect technological progress with nature we could witness incredible beauty and evolution of a human mind, which could unite complex canons.
Humanity has always had the same source materials for creation and living: this is nature. And each generation distributes them in its own way: this is history. And the ways is the science.
We like to think about it and also play with this material and not associate ourselves with a certain time because we can combine all of them together, there's no conflict.
We are working with silver, stones, 3D modelling and sculptural clay (all pieces from clay are handmade). We think there is a lot of open minded people who want to express yourself in their own way without any design codes from us. We mean, there is a lot of styles and lifestyles, groups and ages. We don't have any aggressive marketing etc. We create more space for customers fantasies and we love to see how it's going! It's really surprising sometimes.